Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library

The Imagination Library mails more than 2 million high-quality, age-appropriate books each month to enrolled children from birth to age five. Dolly envisioned creating a lifelong love of reading and inspiring children to Dream More, Learn More, Care More, and Be More.

Strengthening Community through Literacy

Our mission is to increase kindergarten readiness rates in Bartholomew County, Indiana, by providing books to as many children as possible, with a particular effort to serve low-income families.

We are an affiliate of Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library, which gives us the ability to put books into the hands and hearts of children in our community. This inspires a love for reading, increases kindergarten readiness, and promotes overall academic success.

1,844 Children Served
19,258 Books Mailed

To date, Imagination Library of Bartholomew County has mailed 19,258 books to children throughout Bartholomew County. There are currently 1,844 children in Bartholomew County registered for Imagination Library Bartholomew County.

Our mission is “a free book gifting program dedicated to sharing a love of reading with Bartholomew County children under the age of five, regardless of household income. Together we are driven to improve early education, with a focus on increasing kindergarten readiness rates”. 

Imagination Library books promote:

  • Early reading skills
  • School readiness
  • Language development
  • Life skills development
  • Parent engagement

Benefits of the Imagination Library:

Logic Model

The Dollywood Foundation is committed to supporting local Imagination Library programs and communities. One focus of our recent work has been identifying common outcomes for all Imagination Library programs. This will ensure we are all on the same page and provide the best program possible for children and families. These research-based outcomes were identified through reviews of the literature and are considered to be building blocks for lifelong literacy, supported by the research, and aligned with the Imagination Library’s philosophy and goals.

logic model benefits of the imagination library

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