The Registration Process:


Follow this link, and enter your address to check if your child can receive books.  If your address is not yet eligible for our program, please know that we are working hard to raise the money to bring the program to your area!


Once you submit your child’s information, the registration will be approved by our local volunteers and sent on to Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library headquarters, which takes care of packaging and mailing the books.


All new registrations are processed by headquarters at the beginning of the month for mailing the following month.  This means, for example, that if you register your child in the middle of June, their registration will officially enter the national registration system at the beginning of July.  During July, their book will be packaged and prepared for mailing, and they will receive their first book in August.


Each month, Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library ships out 8 books: the welcome book (The Little Engine That Could), the graduation book (Look Out, Kindergarten! Here I Come!) and 6 other books that are tailored to the child’s age level (one for children born in the current year, one for children born the previous year, etc.).


Because Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library ships over a million books each month, they are not all mailed at the same time!  The Little Engine That Could arrives near the beginning of the month, as does Look Out, Kindergarten! Here I Come! And the book for four-year-olds.  The books for two- and three-year-olds arrive near the middle of the month, and the books for one-year-olds and infants arrive near the end of the month.

